








The Bank

Credit Eu­rope Bank N.V. is a pub­lic lim­ited com­pany, es­tab­lished in 1994 in the Nether­lands with full bank­ing li­cense. The Bank is head quar­tered in Am­s­ter­dam and has around 1,100 em­ploy­ees in 7 coun­tries. It op­er­ates 27 branches, 57 ATMs and around 8,200 point of sale ter­mi­nals. More than 900,000 re­tail and cor­po­rate cus­tomers around the world en­trust their fi­nan­cial af­fairs to Credit Eu­rope Bank.

Our mis­sion is pro­vid­ing fi­nan­cial ser­vices that cre­ate value for cus­tomers.
Our vi­sion is be­ing the pre­ferred bank in our core mar­kets.










Our Vision



"Be an adap­tive, di­verse and peo­ple dri­ven bank, that makes cus­tomers feel en­abled"

Retail Banking

"Be a pre­ferred mo­bile bank­ing part­ner in home mar­kets, of­fer­ing re­li­able prod­ucts and con­ve­nient fi­nan­cial ser­vices to our cus­tomers."

Wholesale Banking

"Sup­port mid sized cor­po­rates and com­mod­ity trad­ing com­pa­nies in de­vel­oped and se­lected emerg­ing mar­kets to make them feel em­pow­ered."


Our Core Values



With our passion and energy, we are agile in responding to challenges and changes. Our "can do" attitude enables us to focus on delivering solutions and meeting the expectations of our stakeholders.


We promote diversity as one of the main aspects of our corporate culture. Our diversified background and footprint allow us to think outside of the box and be creative.


We are experts in selected markets and selected products. With our expertise we deliver customized solutions to serve the needs of our customers. 


Our Mission


To pro­vide fi­nan­cial ser­vices that cre­ate value for our cus­tomers. 


Our Base Values


Customer focus

The success of our customers is our own success. All of our decisions are therefore taken with the customer in focus.


Our professionalism embraces and stimulates the necessary skills, qualifications, knowledge, and diversity. Our colleagues undertake their tasks in a competent and integer manner. Through teamwork we achieve our goals. 


Integrity defines our obligation to generate trust and confidence through ethical behavior and by complying with laws, regulations, and guidelines.


Transparency is a key business best practice in our products and services, accounting standards and management decision-making.